How to Add Schedules to Your Server
Effortlessly automate your game server with schedules. Learn how to set up Cron timings and assign tasks like sending commands, restarting, or creating backups for seamless server management.
To join a server you need its IP address or the server domain. You can find both in the detail view of your Pockethost server or in the popup shown below. You get the popup when you start your server. Since the IP address changes with every server start, it is recommended to use the server domain to save a server in your list.
You can also connect directly to a server using the “Direct Connectcion” button. Just enter the address in the field provided. However, the server connection will not be saved and you will have to enter the address again the next time you want to connect. So if you play regularly on this server, it is easier if you add it.
Effortlessly automate your game server with schedules. Learn how to set up Cron timings and assign tasks like sending commands, restarting, or creating backups for seamless server management.
Want to continue your progress on your Farming Simulator 25 server? Here’s how to upload your save game:
Looking to customize your Farming Simulator 25 server? Follow these steps to configure your settings easily: